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Saudi Man marries Student, Teacher, Principal and Supervisor of same School

Just imagine that a schoolgirl attending secondary level class, knowing that both her teacher and principal and share the same husband. Well that is quite interesting for me .
A Saudi man has married four women from the same school, ranging from a student to headmistress while fourth Wife supervise the same school .
While one of his wives is studying at a secondary level, another wife teaches at the same school and yet another is the principal of the institution.

A Saudi man with a love for more than education has made the bizarre decision to wed a pupil, teacher and principal all from the same school.
The unnamed 50-year old man has now taken a fourth wife, who happens to supervise the same school in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia.

“It is a rather strange and unique case,” a teacher in the same school as three of the four wives told Saudi Arabic daily Okaz. “We often talk about it and all the teachers and students see the fun part of it,” she said.
She added that the principal did not take advantage of her leading position in her attitude towards the other two wives, her subordinates, or of the supervisor when she conducts inspection visits in the school in Jizan in southwestern Saudi Arabia.
“The principal treats the teacher and the student normally, like she does with the rest of the staff and students,” she said.
Meanwhile, the schoolteacher (wife) told the newspaper that the way she interacts with her husband’s wives at work is “no different” to how she treats other students and superiors.

Chaa gya hai yaaaaar !!

Student ,Teacher ,Supervisor & Principal -Wow ;)

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