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Omg : 4000-mile Bus route links United Kingdom to Mirpur in Kashmir

Bus service from Kashmir to UK

Now, people will be able to travel from Kashmir to the UK through a bus. As per the recent reports Mirpur in Jammu and Kashmir will now be directly linked to the United Kingdom (UK) via road through a direct bus service. The bus will travel around 4000 miles from Birmingham to POK in a 12 days epic journey. The passengers will have to pay 130 Great Britain Pounds for the ticket.

Now, a bus service from Kashmir to UK
Bus service from Kashmir to UK
The whole journey will cost passengers GBP 130 for a ticket. As per Tahir Khokher, transport minister of the region, this inter-continental route will cross seven countries and have stoppages in the troubled cities of Quetta, near the Afghan border and Tehran, the capital of Iran. He also promised that the bus will offer a thrilling ride with particular arrangements for camping, sightseeing and restauranteering. The biggest risk that comes in the way of this long journey is the area of Afghan border where Taliban commanders are likely to be hiding. However these security concerns have been dismissed by Mr Khokher.
Mr Khokher told that this bus service may strengthen the ties and tourism between the two cities having strong family and business relations. Birmingham is home town to the world’s largest population of Kashmiri emigrants, many of which have emigrated from Mirpur in the 1960s after being displaced by the construction of a dam. The pictorial city lying in the Himalayan foothills soon became renowned as Little Birmingham. The city is also known for its grand villas and mansions built by wealthy ex-pats visit the place regularly.

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