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TV Anchor Mehar Bukhari Leaked Pictures (hacked by Indians)

Meher Bukhari is now again in controversy due to her personal pictures leaked by hacking attempt made by Indians hacker Group .Last time she was in news when her video of planted interview with business tycoon Malik Riaz (Bahria) was leaked on internet . At that time Mehar Bukhari and Mubashir Luqman was doing showing in Dunya TV against Supreme Court . She was also been fired from Samaa TV over some disputed issues. It is to be mentioned that Kashif Abbasi is her husband which also host a political show .

Now this time Mehar Bukhari is getting people attention due to her leaked personal pictures .An Indian hacker group claimed that they hacked her Personal Computer with a Trojan Attack and Stole her Private pictures and some important documents .

Here are the photos which were made public by Indian Hackers.






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  1. i condemned this type of hacking one can easily feel that these are private home pictures and who has has done this disgusting act he is a pimp might he has same sister.

  2. How can any one ascertain that pics have been hacked. Perhaps a friend has posted them or leaked by own mistake. Not s computer whiz but such things can happen. Question is why take such compromising pics of yourself. You wont ever share them with family or kids. Any ways she is a bold personality and has clearly moved on. Feel sorry for the dude married to her.

  3. uffff that all bull shit we have no right to enter his personal life or issue his personal mobile pic this pic are no evidence that she are bad or something although who did this he was a very cheep person shame on u who did this.............
